Lancaster student encourages others to audition for world-famous drama school RADA

Jake Steele, who is studying for a  BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management at RADA.Jake Steele, who is studying for a  BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management at RADA.
Jake Steele, who is studying for a BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management at RADA.
A former Lancaster Royal Grammar School student now studying at a world-leading drama school is encouraging others interested in a career in the arts to apply to the college.

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) will return to the north west this year to hold auditions for its BA (Hons) in Acting and interviews for Technical Theatre and Stage Management c

RADA is holding auditions for Acting, and interviews for Technical Theatre and Stage Management, in Manchester in February and March, as part of their search for the most talented young actors, designers and technicians from across the country.

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Current students include Jake Steele, who went to school in Lancaster and will graduate next summer with a BA (Hons) in Technical Theatre and Stage Management.

Former Lancaster Royal Grammar School pupil Jake said: “I was 18 when I joined RADA,” he said. “I came to apply to RADA because the thing I enjoyed most was my work with the Duke’s Youth Theatre, and I was keen to take that further.

“I didn’t want to go into a typical university where I would be writing essays; I wanted a vocational degree that would lead to a career that I would enjoy.

“I applied for RADA after Googling what the best drama schools were, and applying for the top five on Google!

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“I remember I was chatting to my headteacher and his first response was, ‘oh well, isn’t RADA a little bit posh for you Jacob!’ But the only thing connecting everyone in this whole place is that everyone here wants to make theatre.

“When I looked into it, I realised that the course would work for me because you get to have a taste of lots of disciplines before specialising.

“RADA has helped train me into a well-rounded director having helped me work with people that I respect and admire in the industry.

“I think that RADA’s training works really well for people who want to do a degree in theatre but don’t want to study from being at a desk.

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“I think that RADA is in a time of political and social change, and can train students to make a difference in the industry. RADA is a brilliant place with lots of connections and a great reputation. I’m really glad that I went for it.”

To find out more about training, including how to apply and the audition/interview process, visit