School sports events fall victim to coronavirus

School sport is the latest victim of  Covid-19School sport is the latest victim of  Covid-19
School sport is the latest victim of Covid-19 | jpimedia
School trips and sporting fixtures have been cancelled as Lancashire schools get to grips with the coronavirus pandemic.

Schools have also been shut as staff self-isolate.

Youngsters at primary and secondary schools across Preston have seen their sporting events, from inter-schools athletics to kwik cricket, cancelled while university students are being told they can work from home if they want to..

Dean Brandwood, director for DB Sports who organise numerous events for Preston primary schools, said: " Following recent government advice all Preston primary schools external sports events for the remainder of the spring term have been postponed.

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Additionally advice from ESFA is to suspend all football league matches.

Both organisations will continue to review the guidance and advice in relation to sports activities for the summer term."

The University of Central Lancashire has today told students that from Thursday March 19 until after Easter teaching at all its UK campuses will be online.

Most schools, including Leyland St Mary's and Priory Academy in Penwortham ,have been sending home guidance advice for families.

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This includes hygiene and self-isolation as well preparations to provide online lessons if schools are closed.

Today the National Education Union has called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to close all schools and has advised members who fit into any of the self-isolation categories outline yesterday, including those looking after relatives aged 70 and over, to stay from school from next week.

At present there are six schools and colleges in the county closed due to excessive staff absences including Northbrook Primary in Leyland and Lytham St Anne's High.