Brave Heysham teen takes to the air to help Lancaster charity

Rachel Simpson.Rachel Simpson.
Rachel Simpson.
Brave teenager Rachel Simpson is taking to the air later this month to raise money for a charity close to her heart.

Rachel, who had a lifesaving bone marrow transplant in 2015 after being diagnosed with lymphedema, will be joining a team from Lancaster charity CancerCare in taking on the Velocity zipwire challenge – Europe’s longest and fastest zipline – in North Wales, along with her dad and his friend.

Money raised will go towards CancerCare’s vital support services in the Lancaster district, part of which includes delivery of Children and Young Persons Support.

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Cancercare offers youngsters a safe space to talk and share experiences. Money raised can help new developments in this service including therapy pods that will be kitted out with a focus on children and teenagers.

After Rachel, who lives in Heysham, was diagnosed with a mutated GATA2 gene, she was told that without a transplant, the rare genetic condition would lead to leukaemia, a form of blood cancer which can kill.

If you want to join the CancerCare thrillseekers, call the fundraising team on 01524 381820 or email,or for more information about the challenge and to download a sponsor pack visit