A selection of scarecrows from ET, Star Trek and Lilo and Stitch at the Wray Scarecrow Festival 2024 with a sci-fi theme.A selection of scarecrows from ET, Star Trek and Lilo and Stitch at the Wray Scarecrow Festival 2024 with a sci-fi theme.
A selection of scarecrows from ET, Star Trek and Lilo and Stitch at the Wray Scarecrow Festival 2024 with a sci-fi theme.

33 ‘out of this world' pictures from Wray Scarecrow Festival

People flocked to Wray village for the start of one of the North West’s most loved festivals.

Wray Scarecrow Festival returned to the village near Lancaster this year and concludes next Monday (May 6) with the traditional May fair and Great Ball Race.

Villagers have risen to the ‘sci-fi’ theme of this year’s event with impressive scarecrows adorning the streets.

Our photographer Dan Martino went along and captured these pictures of their wonderful creations.

Our photographer Dan Martino went along and captured these pictures of their wonderful creations.